Dr Georgios Labiris MD is Associate Professor of Ophthalmology at Democritus University of Thrace and Head of the Department of Ophthalmology at the University Hospital of Alexandroupolis, in Greece. He graduated from Semmelweis University (MD), received his MSc from the University of California in Santa Ana, and his PhD from the Medical School at the University of Ioannina. He completed his surgical fellowship at the University of Saarland. His special research and clinical interest is in refractive surgery, corneal transplantation, cataract and presbyopia. In 2010 he received the 1st award in Biomed Central Biomedical Awards for his work on isotretinoin. He wrote and co-wrote numerous scientific papers, moreover he is reviewer in almost all major international ophthalmology journals. Dr Labiris is the director of the Presbyopia Research Project.

Dr Ioannis Pratikakis is Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Democritus University of Thrace in Xanthi, Greece. He received the Ph.D. degree in 3D medical image analysis from the Electronics engineering and Informatics department at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, in January 1999. From March 1999 to March 2000, he joined IRISA in Rennes, France as an INRIA postdoctoral fellow. From January 2003 to June 2010, he was working as Adjunct Researcher at the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications in the National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Athens, Greece. His research interests lie in image processing, pattern recognition, vision and graphics, and more specifically, in document image analysis and recognition, medical image analysis as well as 3D shape analysis, search and retrieval. He has published more than 200 papers in journals, book chapters and conference proceedings in the above areas resulting in 6428 citations with h-index: 43 (Source: Google Scholar). He has participated in more than 20 national and international R&D projects. He is member of the steering committee of EG Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval. He has been member of the Board of the Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society for the period 2010-2014. He is Senior Member of the IEEE, member of the board of IEEE Greece Section and member of the European Association for Computer Graphics (Eurographics).

Dr Konstantinos K. Delibasis is currently an Assistant Professor at the Dept. of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics, Univ. of Thessaly, Greece. He is the author of more than 40 journal papers. His research interests include processing and analysis of signal, image and video for medical and industrial applications. graduated from the Dept. of Physics, University. of Athens, Greece and obtained his M.Sc. in Medical Physics and Ph.D., entitled “Genetic Algorithms in Medical Image Analysis”, from the Dept. of Biomedical Physics and Bio-engineering, University of Aberdeen, UK.

Dr Maria Gkika, MD is a Locum Consultant in Ophthalmology Department at University Hospital of Alexandroupolis. She has completed her Medical Studies at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and her PhD program at Democritus University of Thrace. She has been certified with a MA in Health Care Management. She has been an Ophthalmology Specialty Trainee at 424 Army Hospital of Thessaloniki and a Medical Retina, Vitreoretinal and Uveitis Fellow for 5 years at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London and other University Hospitals in the UK. She has conducted and participated in several studies, published in different Greek and international peer-reviewed journals. She is responsible for the fundus examination of presbyopic patients.

Dr Haris Sideroudi holds a bachelor in Physics a postgraduate diploma (MSc) in material science and optics. Beyond that she has completed her PhD on design and development of a new optic system for the identification of substances in the aqueous humor.

Since 2007 she works at the department of ophthalmology at the Democritus University of Thrace in Greece, as an Ophthalmic imaging & Laser applications specialist and adjunct Lecturer.  Dr. Sideroudi’s expertise is in Materials Science/Optics/ Medical Optics/ Visual Optics/Laser-Matter Interaction/ Optical Design and Imaging/ Optoelectronic devices/Medical statistics and Implementation/Clinical Ophthalmic tasks.

Moreover has strong background in Clinical and basic research methodology in Refractive correction lasers/Ocular imaging/Cataract/ Glaucoma/Keratoconus/Retinal Impairment/Neuro-ophthalmology/Materials properties and Optics. She is responsible for the preoperative refractive assessment of presbyopic patients.

Dr Michael Fanariotis MD is a consultant of radiology at the Telemark Hospital in Norway. He graduated from Semmelweis University (MD), and he was awarded his PhD from the Medical School at the University of Thessaly. His is responsible for the clinical and research protocols of CT and MRI. His research interests focus in medical imaging and artificial technology in medicine. He has numerous publications in international preer-reviewed journals. He is responsible for the simulation protocols of visual capacity of presbyopic patients.

Dr Sergios Taliantzis MD is a clinical fellow at the Department of Ophthalmology of Democritus University. He graduated from the University of Turin (MD), received his MSc from the Democritus University , and his PhD from the Medical School at the University of Athens. His research interests focus in refractive surgery, presbyopia and medical imaging. He has numerous publications in international peer-reviewed journals. He is responsible for the preoperative ophthalmological examination of presbyopic patients.

Dr Lambros T. Doulos received the Dipl. in Physics from the University of Athens, Physics Department, in 1999, the MSc Dipl. in Environmental Physics from the University of Athens, Physics Department, in 2002 and the PhD Dipl. from the National Technical University of Athens in 2010. He is an expert in lighting design, rational use of energy in lighting systems, use of daylight in buildings, development of innovative photosensors, road and tunnel lighting measurements. He works at Lighting Laboratory (NTUA) as a Researcher and as an Adjunct Professor in the MA program “Lighting Design” at Hellenic Open University where he teaches the course “Lighting Technology and connection with production”. He is the writer of number of publications (more than 80 in scientific journals, conferences and national press), and books dealing with lighting, lighting controls and energy saving. Several research projects have implemented by the researcher. He also offers consultancy services in lighting design, RELUX Certified Training Courses and building's low energy techniques.

Miss Panagiota Ntonti MD is a PhD candidate at the Medical School of Democritus University. She graduated (MD) from the Democritus University where she received her post-graduate diploma (MSc) in Ophthalmology. She authored and co-authored numerous papers in peer-reviewed journals. Her PhD objective is the evaluation of the impact of personality and social roles on the satisfaction of the patients with presbyopic correction.

Miss Irini-Kanella Panagiotopoulou s a PhD candidate at the Medical School of Democritus University. She graduated (MD) from the Democritus University. She authored and co-authored numerous papers in peer-reviewed journals. Her PhD objective is the evaluation of the impact of light intensity and temperature in visual capacity following pseudophakic presbyopic correction.