Dear Fellows and Colleagues

Welcome to the Democritus University Presbyopia Research Project of Democritus University. Research in Presbyopia is among the scientific priorities of the University Hospital of Alexandroupolis in Greece.

Primary objective of the program is the identification of the exact pathomechanism of presbyopia, quantification of presbyopia’s impact on productivity and quality of life, and development of novel conventional and surgical options and techniques.

In specific, among others, primary objectives of the program are: a) the development of diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines, b) the development and evaluation of contemporary surgical techniques, and, c) the development of methods for improvement of the overall visual capacity of the presbyopic patient.

The program follows the mandates of Declaration of Helsinki for biomedical research, supervised by the Bioethics Board of the University Hospital of Alexandroupolis, and managed by the Special Account for Research Funds (SARF) of Democritus University.


                                                                                                        Georgios Labiris MD

                                                                                                           Associate Professor

                                                                                                    Director of Presbyopia Research Project